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Thursday 21/09/06 Motion City Soundtrack, Ok Go @ Newcastle University

Thursday 21/09/06 Motion City Soundtrack, Ok Go @ Newcastle University

September 28, 2006 by Shane Richardson
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Although it may have been fresher’s week in Newcastle, the only college the majority of tonight’s audience may be starting is a sixth form one. The quirky venue that spills into a canteen was only half full with the ‘emo youth club’ feel crushing any attempts of a decent atmosphere no matter how hard Motion City Soundtrack mashed their moog.

Piss-poor sound hindered support act Ok Go’s usually tight pop-punk tunes with the lead singer having more chance of being heard at a deaf convention. But all was not lost as the most amusing/weird thing Gigwise had seen for awhile saved the foursome’s asses. If you can’t be heard why bother wasting energy playing, the answer - Mime! OKGo are famed for their humorous music videos more than their actual songs and so the rare support act encore consisted of the pop-punkers strutting ‘Kyle’ like dance moves to their latest single.   

Motion City Soundtrack have a big UK underground following with the Manchester and London shows selling out, yet in Newcastle they seem to still be somewhat of a secret. Nonetheless those in on it certainly enjoyed what they heard. Kicking off with a storming rendition of ‘Attractive Today’, the opening track of sophomore album ‘Commit This To Memory’, MCS are as sugary and infectious live as the sound problems seemed to be finally fixed.

What sets the five-some apart from many of their peers is their not so secret weapon, the moog! The electric sound Jesse Johnson generates gives their songs a distinctive edge and makes tracks like ‘My Favourite Accident’ into irresistibly feel good pop-punk tunes.  ‘Better Open The Door’ and ‘Capital H’ soon followed as the room finally started bouncing. Then the highlight of the night was the awesome ‘LG Faud’ as every word was passionately sung back to the Minnesota men.

Justin Pierre’s vocals were as unique live with the brilliant ‘The Future Freaks Me Out’ and ‘Everything Is Alright’ showing them of to the full effect. ‘Cambridge’ was saved for the encore but the night seemed to end just when it was beginning. In a different venue and with a bigger crowd this band could give you a really awesome show, but unfortunately tonight they were just A-OK.

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