Track Reviews »

The Darkness - 'Girlfriend' (Atlantic) Released 22/05/06

The Darkness - 'Girlfriend' (Atlantic) Released 22/05/06

May 16, 2006 by Daniel Melia
starno starno starno starno star

If you thought The Darkness couldn’t get any worse, don’t worry so did we, you'd be wrong because with this latest offering they’ve stooped to new lows of puke inducing turdness. ‘Girlfriend’ is the shit scraped off the bottom of his shoe by Brian May, the riff Francis Rossi is ashamed to admit he wrote and hopefully the finally nail in the coffin of Justin Hawkins’ pantomime horse. Opening out with aforementioned substandard Quo rip off the track descends into farce the moment Hawkins opens his gob, blasting out his now trademark falsetto and making us want to punch him the face for three thousandth time this year. It doesn’t stop there, soon we are treated to some god awful solo on an electric piano that has the subtlety of a twelve year old virgin trying to feel up his girlfriend for the first time. Please, can someone just put The Darkness out of their misery. Surely the world would be a better place without them in it.

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