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Travis - 'Selfish Jean'

Travis - 'Selfish Jean'

July 09, 2007 by Matt Clutton
Travis - 'Selfish Jean' Add to My Fav Bands List
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Travis’ latest single 'Selfish Jean' - by no means on par with tracks like 'Writing To Reach You' or 'Driftwood' - bucks the usual Travis trend of sombre, highly emotive works of genius, with a melancholy, upbeat, toe tapping quality. Initially sounding more like a track that might have been included in cult classic 'Quadrophenia' or a Billie Joel compilation album rather than their own, the single soon settles into the metronomic, four beat bar bus ride we have all come accustomed to with the band. With Healy buoyed by the birth of his son, could the mood of Travis tracks be set to make a swift about turn to more upbeat climbs?

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