"It was an exciting time for a lot of guitar music," Editors bassist Russell Leetch tells Gigwise, thinking back to launch into music with the runaway success of debut album, The Back Room. "At that time it was very different - there were so many guitar bands and it was all on the radio, it was very popular. Obviously, 10 years later it's has changed - it's quite dance orientated, the charts at the moment."
Watch our video interview with Editors discussing their evolution and playing live below
A decade later and yes, much has changed - both for the musical climate and for Editors. From four twitchy uni mates packing out Birmingham toilet venues, to catching the world's attention to be plagued by unfair comparisons, to the festival-headlining force of nature they are today - Editors have bloomed into something special: a British institution with no point of reference bar themselves, and they've done it all on their own terms.
Watch below as the band talk to us about losing a member, gaining two more, 'confusing themselves' and the experience of seeing Editors live in 2015.
Watch Editors talk to us about evolution and playing live below
Check out the rest of Editors' Gigwise takeover below
We talk to the band about sadness, returning from the brink and moving on
Get under the skin as the band talk us through their best album to date
From Radiohead and REM to Nils Frahm and Jon Hopkins - what do Editors listen to?