Guthrie railed against Fred Trump's racism in newly unearthed notebooks
Alexandra Pollard
11:45 22nd January 2016

In a very strange but unsurprising turn of events, it's been discovered that Donald Trump's father was Woody Guthrie's landlord - and was also incredibly racist. Like father like son.

Guthrie - a highly political songwriter who often condemned racial inequality in his music - spent two years as a tenant in one of Fred Trump's buildings in the early '50s.

A year into his residency, in newly unearthed notebooks, Guthrie had come to refer to the Beach Haven complex as "Bitch Haven". He also penned some lyrics accusing Trump Sr of racism:

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

In another lyric, he wrote, "Beach Haven looks like heaven / Where no black ones come to roam! / No, no, no! Old Man Trump! / Old Beach Haven ain't my home!"

After Guthrie's death, a a case was brought against the Trumps by the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department, saying that "racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents" had "created a substantial impediment to the full enjoyment of equal opportunity."

According to rent agents, Fred Trump had instructed them not to rent to black people, and to discourage them from seeking apartments by claiming no vacancies or hiking up the rents.

Last year, Donald Trump - who is running for US president - said, "My legacy has its roots in my father's legacy." He's probably right.