Ellie Goulding has revealed that Noel Gallagher actually likes her music, despite what he said in a recent interview.
In a recent interview, the former Oasis frontman said: “Does anybody give a fuck about what any of these current pop stars are up to? Who gives a shit what Ellie Goulding is up to? Really? It blows my fucking mind.”
Now, in an interview with The Guardian, Ellie Goulding has said that at a Brit Awards a couple of years ago, Noel Gallagher told her: ‘I really fuckin’ love your music, but don’t fuckin’ tell anyone.’
So whilst Gallagher’s rants may be hilarious in substance, his adoration for pop music seems to go unnoticed at times. Or at the very least, unmentioned. Goulding continued, “So he’s lying. He does like my music. He told me himself. I might seem boring to some people, but first of all I can fight really well – I mean, I could probably take you right now – and if the epitome of supposed rock’n’roll is playing guitar, then I do play guitar. And I play guitar very fucking well. So there."
It’s not the first time Noel Gallagher’s subjects have, rightfully so, responded to his criticism. Ed Sheeran having been criticised by Noel Gallagher offered him two VIP tickets.