by Alexandra Pollard Staff | Photos by Richard Gray

Tags: Radiohead 

Radiohead respond after fans attacked with bottles and sticks

Several people were injured during the Istanbul incident


Radiohead statement after fans attacked in Istanbul Photo: Richard Gray

Radiohead have offered their “love and support” to fans attacked at a listening party in Istanbul on Friday.

The global event, organised by the band, came to an unpleasant end when 20 “suspected Islamists” attacked customers and staff for drinking alcohol and listening to music during Ramadan. The attackers reportedly used sticks and bottles against the music fans.

In video footage of the incident, voices can be heard shouting, “I’ll kill you,” and “I will burn you alive inside.” Thankfully, no-one was seriously injured.

In a statement, Radiohead said, ”Our hearts go out to those attacked tonight at Velvet IndieGround in Istanbul. We hope that someday we will be able to look back on such acts of violent intolerance as things of the ancient past. For now, we can only offer our fans in Istanbul our love and support.”

The Beyoglu mayor, Misbah Demircan, wrote on Twitter, “"As with all acts that contain violence, the events in Firuzaga cannot be condoned. I condemn it.”

Alexandra Pollard


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