The Pearl Jam singer saw an advert from a family on Craigslist seeking help and stepped up like a true hero
Cai Trefor

10:00 27th December 2016

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After reading a letter from a struggling mother of six threatened with eviction from her home and unable to buy Christmas gifts for her family, Eddie Vedder came forward and generously donated $10,000 to help.

The advert was posted on Craigslist by Tyshika Britten and thanks in part to a Washington Post article about her family’s troubles, it went viral, resulting in many donations - someone sent a Playstation 4 and another dropped off a puppy. Pearl Jam's Vedder appears to be the only famous person to have helped.

Reportedly the letter read: "I am a mother of six, five boys and one baby girl.” Then in a paragraph she emotionally stated that she is threatened with eviction and it may be the first time she won't be able to give her children a Christmas.

“I’m so hurt,” the 35-year-old hairstylist wrote. “I’m trying my best. I pray everyday and now I’m begging for help. I know it's not about the gifts, but they are kids! I’m such a failure right now . . . please help me.”

I was just so moved by the story and what this mother did for her children,” Vedder told The Washington Post. “I thought those kids must be so proud of their mother for reaching out. That takes a lot of courage.”

Vedder reflected on his own childhood — “There were years there were toys from Santa, but they were used and they came from garage sales and they didn’t always work” — and recognizes that, while his check won’t solve all of their problems, he hopes it will act as “a tourniquet” to help them get back on their feet.

The family didn't know Eddie Vedder and his band Pearl Jam prior to receiving the cheque, but apparently they've been watching his concerts online since.

Unfortunately, adverts such as Britten's are common place around Christmas time as certain families earning on or close to minimum wage are already struggling to make ends meet before the added pressure of providing for Christmas comes. Fairplay to Vedder for stepping up where he can.

Elsewhere, Pearl Jam could potentially make a comeback in 2017. Their last album, Lightning Bolt, was in 2013 meaning the gap is about right for promo from a major label on them to start rolling again.


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Photo: Danny Payne