Donny Tourette: 'Jade Goody Is A F**king Fat Prick'

And he calls her racist too...

January 26, 2007 by Scott Colothan
Donny Tourette: 'Jade Goody Is A F**king Fat Prick'

Donny Tourette has hit out at fellow Celebrity Big Brother contestant Jade Goody, labelling her a “****ing fat prick.”

The Towers of London frontman believes that Goody does indeed harbour racist views towards Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty and that the public have now seen Jade in her true colours.

Tourette of course left the show after just two days when he found out he would have to play servant to Jade, her mum Jackiey and her dimwit boyfriend Jack.

Speaking to the NME, the 26-year-olf ranted: “I ****ing called it didn’t I?! I called it for everyone who was giving it ‘Oh, she’s a really lovely person’ and that people misunderstood her, but she’s a ****ing fat prick and her mum is… they’re both shit.”

He continued: “They way they acted with all the bullying shit and racism, it was no surprise to me. They’ve always been those sort of people anyway.

“To be honest, I sort of saw flashes with that sort of thing, but it upped a level when the ringleader came in.

“I’m glad I wasn’t part of it, but if I had been it wouldn’t have happened, but I wouldn’t have stood for that kind of behaviour to be honest.”

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