A hooky, barbed second statement
Jessie Atkinson
15:51 2nd November 2020

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Fabulous new talent Cat SFX has blasted back onto the scene with the ballsy 'Reunite'. Hooky and satisfying, its release comes on Alan McGee's Creation 23 label this afternoon.

A barbed, leftist tirade, 'Reunite' uses crashing percussion, stylish riffs and that powerful voice to lash out at the callousness of right-wingers. “This racist homophobic shit, your whitewashed bible belt critique, I’m pro-choice, you’re no choice, you plead the 5th, I use my voice…” she sings.

This is only Cat SFX's second single. Her first, 'Doom Generation' is a Kills-esque, powerhouse of a statement.

Cat spoke more of her new song:

“I wrote ‘Reunite’ because I’m just so angry and fed up of the way the poor are treated; people being homeless in 2020 while the government line their pockets, people having to use food banks, the hypocrisy of this government, rent prices being so high that it’s almost impossible to afford accommodation, while the rich buy up all the houses and leave them empty, NHS cuts....  benefit caps, while politicians claim 100k food expenses, integrated racism, homophobia, and a giant orange clown being the president of the USA.”

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Photo: Press