A positivity explosion
Jessie Atkinson
11:05 22nd January 2021

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He's taught us how to shake it like a cheerleader, and now Dylan Cartlidge is schooling us in how to walk the walk. His new single 'Molasses (Walk The Walk)' is the latest offering from the Redcar artist and it's a positivity explosion.

Reprising his role as Outkast reincarnate, Cartlidge incorportates other elements in his songwriting - joining funk, RnB and pop to make a truly heady cocktail to soundtrack the moments of joy we hope you're managing to find in your day-to-day life.

Cartlidge explained the origins of the song: “I wrote this song after a particularly tough time when I was experiencing burnout following touring. The song reflects the feeling of hitting a slump and losing control of achieving your goals and dreams," he said.

Ever positive, Cartlidge turned the feeling into something to galvanise yourself with: "it’s about finding yourself scrambling to find that part of yourself again or being prepared to ‘fake it til you make it’ whilst trying to find your old self.”

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Photo: Press