Smart buggers
Jessie Atkinson
10:55 21st April 2021

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Liverpool's SPQR have shared a brand new single today: the frightfully clever 'Fault Lines'. An album, we're told, will follow early in 2022.

Like the rest of their discography, 'Fault Lines' refuses to be hemmed in. It's frenetic, turning this way then that on a tide of constantly evolving music innovation.

Smart buggers:

"Well! It’d been around for a long time and never felt right, but everyone knew there was something there. Nothing was happening naturally so I sat down with it and just chipped away until cracks of light began to appear!" the band said.

Last year, we spoke to the band for our Hello Tomorrow column. Talking about the pandemic, they said: “It may not seem like it but we’ve had a super intense couple of years with the band going absolutely non-stop, so the rest and relaxation for everyone else in the band is good."

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Photo: Liam Powell