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    Jon McClure Slams Lily Allen and Muse For Speaking Out Against File-Sharing

    And admits to stealing Lily's album...

    October 09, 2009 by Scott Colothan | Photo by
    Jon McClure Slams Lily Allen and Muse For Speaking Out Against File-Sharing

    Two Jon McClure stories in a day? Yes Gigwise readers, we're truly spoiling you! 

    This time The Reverend has told Lily Allen that she needs to put her tits away before she comments on issues such as file-sharing.

    McClure, the master orator of our generation, even laid the boot into Muse for joining in the debate too.

    He ranted to The Sun: "We've got Iraq today, Afghanistan, bankers are taking the piss, MPs are taking the piss, BNP are on the rampage, plus we're melting the ice caps.

    "There's a lot to be angry about but nobody wants to do it.

    "What upsets me is last week Lily Allen and Muse came out and said 'We've got to campaign against file sharing. We're having breakfast with Peter Mandelson and we're gonna tell him to shut down kids' internets.'

    "Now, what a crying shame it is that all you can get angry or upset about is kids nicking your music.

    "The thing with Lily is, I think when you get your nipples out in GQ and you're trying to make serious political comment with the government, you're putting yourself in a silly position."

    He continued: “At the end of the day, I stole Lily Allen's album and there's nothing she can do about it.

    "People think I'm a communist because I've got these views, but I'm not. I'm not saying people can't earn a living, but let's be fair.

    "Muse, you're playing Wembley stadium, Lily Allen you're playing arenas. You've got millions of pounds, there's things happening that are far more important than that.

    "The thing with music now is it's all self-preservation. Of course you don't want kids to nick stuff but they're doing it all the time and good luck to them."

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    • I agree but not about the Lily comment. She should be able to be photographed for GQ and still be taken seriously.

      ~ by anna 10/9/2009 Report

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    • Jon McClure is to much of a rich, whitebread, pompous dick to download music for free. I'm not siding with the record companies, but there's a way to be able to hear good music without having to download it. If they ever fix the radio stations, and restore independent radio, and then finally give CD's reasonable prices, we could fix this without any more bullshit.

      ~ by Devil Child 10/10/2009 Report

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    • I think that what Muse are only trying to do is, keep that 'original combo pack' alive. Yes, the hard copy DVD and CD plus the cover that holds it with the little booklet, remember how it once used to be Mr Music lover that you claim to be, go hack more songs you internet junkie jon... No, I don't think Muse are worried about the cash they are loosing out to junkie jon, I think they are just trying to give something more substantial back to those idiots who can't make the Wem

      ~ by Sholton Brenna 10/10/2009 Report

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    • He seems to have merely skim read what it is Bellamy's said. For a start the first thing this article quotes McClure saying is "We're having breakfast with Peter Mandelson and we're gonna tell him to shut down kids' internets." The Peter Mandelson item was a joke, and there was no mention of shutting down "kids" internet. He was instead saying there should be some sort of infraction forced unpon the ISPs to incite tougher regulations on illegal downloading

      ~ by Lukester911 10/11/2009 Report

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    • this is stupid. i bet lily allen would choose to remove hunger and BNP if she could, rather than remove the file-sharers, but music is her world, doesn't make her horrible for critising changes in her buisness. Both Muse and Lily Allen doesn't really suffer from file-sharing, so the fact that they both pick this fight, is quite unselfish.

      ~ by whatever 10/12/2009 Report

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