New Amy Winehouse Song Emerges Online

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November 02, 2010 by Jason Gregory | Photo by
New Amy Winehouse Song Emerges Online

Amy Winehouse's cover of Lesley Gore's 1963 hit 'It's My Party' has emerged online.

The track, produced by Mark Ronson, appears on a new album curated by Quincy Jones.

Ronson said both he and Winehouse were “incredibly honoured and excited” to be working with Jones, who produced Gore's original version.

The album, entitled 'Q: Soul Bossa Nostra', will also feature  Akon, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J, Usher and T-Pain.

Jennifer Hudson is also scheduled to appear on the album, which is due to be released November 8.

Meanwhile, Winehouse has revealed that she was working on a new album and said she expected it to be released in the New Year.

Amy Winehouse - Through The Years

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