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Nicki Minaj: Beyonce Defies Greatness

She praises the singer...

February 01, 2011 by Holly Frith | Photo by
Nicki Minaj: Beyonce Defies Greatness

Nicki Minaj has praised Beyonce, saying that she ‘defies greatness’.

The rapper, who released her album ‘Pink Friday’ last year, spoke about meeting Beyonce for the first time after performing with Jay-Z.

''Just her name alone defines greatness, right? That push that every woman wants to be… that driven," Minaj told RWD TV.

She added: "When I met her, she was a super sweetheart. The fact that she complimented me, I never forgot that. That stuck with me."

''She was like 'You killed it.' I was like, huh? That just didn’t even register and I kept on thinking, here is someone who I admire so much just because they are so driven. And she told me 'I killed it.''

Meanwhile, Nicki Minaj has revealed that she grew up in fear that her mother would be killed by her father.

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  • So, erm... does she 'define' or 'defy' greatness, seeing as you quoted both words at different times? Cos they mean kinda the opposite?

    ~ by firstnameunknown 2/1/2011 Report

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