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Lady Gaga 'Cannibal' Stage Stunt Sparks Outrage

In Manchester...

June 04, 2010 by Jason Gregory | Photo by

  • Er no. I was at the gig and I'm sorry but 20 000 fans didnt seem too bothered. She has acted this scene out in her tour since it started in January. Any mother who takes their little kids to Gaga should be reported to social service.

    ~ by RDM 6/4/2010 Report

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    ~ by adamcook 6/4/2010 Report

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  • She did this the last time she was here and there was no complaint. What a load of rubbish. People are intelligent enough to know it's all for the drama and not real. If you are worried about who is seeing it, then may be they should not be there. It's an amazing performance and the energy in the room is amazing.

    ~ by Angel 6/4/2010 Report

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  • Stupid woman needs to get a clue, really clever thing to do after Cumbria!

    ~ by VH 6/4/2010 Report

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  • Oh Please! That's her show, had nothing to do with the tragic killings, you can't take a cohesive show that's been rehearsed to death and remove a routine at a moments notice

    ~ by Jersey Boy 6/4/2010 Report

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