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Lady Gaga Haters: Pop's Brightest Star Faces Backlash

M.I.A continues charges against singer...

July 28, 2010 | Photo by / Shirlaine Forrest / Splash News
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If there's one downside to selling more than ten million albums worldwide in just over a year, then it's that a lot of your peers suddenly develop a problem with you. Just ask Lady Gaga.

Since the release of her debut album 'The Fame' in 2008, she's become arguably the biggest pop star on the planet, embarked on a seemingly never-ending world tour and won plaudits for her outlandish fashion sense.

Yet in recent months she's faced a growing barrage of criticism from across the world of music and celebrity. Only this week, M.I.A hit out at the singer's privileged background on New York's Upper East Side.

So what better time than now to take a look a some of the biggest Lady Gaga haters.

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  • Nice collection of has beens, never were's and wannabe's. Some are stars, but not the mega-star they wish to be. As for O'Reilly and Rhianna, both have been praiseworthy of Lady Gaga and have said they want to work with her. There are many more artists who have voiced their appreciation of Lady Gaga. She's flying as high as ever with her stunningly successful world tour with no sign of slowing down.

    ~ by chuckjones 2 days 8 hours ago Report

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  • M.I.A is right. Lady gaga SUCK ASS.

    ~ by Neil 2 days 5 hours ago Report

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  • So we have a bunch of people nobody has ever heard of, Donny Osmond who is "close" to his sister, Bill O'Reilly a racist and homophobe and Grace Jones who has a terribly inapt first name - doubt Gaga is worried to be honest. Jealously is a bad, bad thing. Rock on Gaga, bless her for trying to be and being entertaining.

    ~ by MM 2 days 5 hours ago Report

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  • @Neil - You're spot on. There's NOTHING original about Lady Gaga.

    ~ by Nigel 2 days 3 hours ago Report

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  • lol, I don't even know half of these people... and at this point, I think Donnie Osmond is the last person that should be giving parenting advice, considering his son just killed himself.

    ~ by Luke 1 day 21 hours ago Report

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