
1. Sensible Soccer (1992) - This was never in any doubt, was it? We end as we started, with Sensible Software supplying the single most brilliant football game of all time. A football game so good, it's later version, the impossibly deep Sensible World of Soccer (where you could literally be any team in the world - Barnet v. Border Security was no longer the stuff of dreams) is considered one of the finest computer games in any genre ever. And yet it's so unbelievably, ridiculously easy. Eight directions, one button. That's it. No feints, no tricks, just the joy of football diluted to its most simple and beautiful aspects. Dig out your Amiga, buy it on XBox Live, forget all about Fifa and Pro Evo - After nearly twenty years, Sensible Soccer stands as the finest football game we have ever seen.
10 of 10