2. Championship Manager 2 (1995) - The Manager was good, Premier Manager was better, and Football Director II topped them both, but in the world of management sims, there is only one king: CM2. No game like it had ever been seen before, and is still fiendishly addictive after sixteen years. For the first time, all you were required to do was buy players, pick a team, and try to win games. None of that stadium building nonsense. This was a proper sim. Even buying players was more realistic. Make an offer, wait a few days, offer a contract, wait a few days more, sign the player. Previously, it was always done in one go. Immensely detailed, incredibly complex, and yet easy to dive into. It's become huge now, of course, but in terms of sheer, pure, unadulterated joy, CM2 has never, and possibly will never, be beaten.
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