A dazzling evening
Harrison Smith
10:50 28th September 2021

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"I'm absolutely tripping" laughs Sam Fender midway through his set at London's Brixton Academy. The BRIT award-winning Newcastle troubadour tells us he's recently been struck down with a nasty case of laryngitis. Usually, one would be encouraged not to sing for thousands of people when such happenstances occur but 'usually' isn't how Sam Fender likes to do things.

With a show-must-go-on attitude coursing through his veins, Fender, with the help of some powerful medication, pushes on with an electrically-charged set of new and classic material. 

This being the first gig in nearly two years for many, Sam Fender and his band of merry-men stride onto the stage with a look of glee across their faces. Dressed in a tasteful New Romantic oversized mustard-coloured polo, Fender's likeable good-hearted nature, soulful voice and eloquent guitar playing soar across an adoring crowd. A trailblazer for the new breed of rockstar—self-aware, self-deprecating, with a wholesome charm—Fender wastes no time with onstage frivolities and launches into 'Will We Talk?'. Always with a signature cheeky beaming grin, it's undoubtedly evident he's enjoying himself. 

Across the stage, any signs of apparent illness are minute except for the occasional lyrical slip-up, which Fender points out to humorous jeers from the audience. Putting it down to his mind being frazzled by the medication, Fender states, 'it's like I'm wearing a VR headset!' Such blunders are wholly embraced by the audience who, without any mistake or hesitation sing every lyric back in a magnificent cortege of melody. 

With album two 'Seventeen Going Under' out shortly, the buzz around new tracks is rife. The new single 'Get You Down', an anthem at this year's summer festivals, sees a wave of phones lit up, illuminating the room to the jangly sounds of Fender's chugging guitar riff. 

The title track sees Fender confessing a longing for youth—a strong resonation from so many in attendance and the standout moment of the evening, a bold solo rendition of Springsteen's 'Dancing in the Dark' is a sparkling demonstration of his power to captivate a room. Before the encore, the thrilling breakout single 'Play God' receives the biggest ovation of the night, and Fender, wielding his guitar like weapon, commands the stage amongst raining showers of confetti and smoke cannons. 

Whilst the banter between songs may be less so this evening, its absence is forgiven with the mentioned vocal restraints of the night made up for with skilful performance and Fender's genial bounding confidence. Closing the night with fan favourite ‘Hypersonic Missiles’ the chorus is belted out by attendees long after Fender leaves the stage. 

As much a whiz on the guitar as he is masterful with addictively catchy songwriting, Fender's refreshing brand of stadium rock explodes in a live atmosphere. A dazzling evening showcasing the joy and ecstasy a Sam Fender gig brings. 

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Photo: Katie McLellan Salisbury