Juliette and the Licks - ‘Sticky Honey’ (Hassle) Released 20/11/06

Juliette and the Licks - ‘Sticky Honey’ (Hassle) Released 20/11/06

November 20, 2006 by Sam Villis
Juliette and the Licks - ‘Sticky Honey’ (Hassle) Released 20/11/06
starstarstarno starno star
It’s a crying shame that there aren’t more women in this rock music malarkey. Since Courtney Love cleaned up (?!) her act and Shirley Manson disappeared into a bin of ‘Beautiful Garbage’ there’s been a dire lack of proper rock n roll women up there. And so, up steps Juliette Lewis to save the day! ‘Sticky Honey’ sounds very much like ‘Brown Sugar’ or a track by The Hives. Musically it’s nothing new, just textbook garage rock n roll, but her personality and voice really makes this something exciting, it’s good to see a woman with enough balls to appropriate such a male dominated genre and produce something that really rocks.

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