- by Daniel Melia
- Wednesday, April 08, 2009
No Doubt This Is The Worst Cover Of The Year
We've heard some bad cover versions in our time here at Gigwise, we've laughed at all those terrible high school bands destroying classics on Youtube but today (Aprilo 8) we heard a real doozy from a band who we actually like, and were looking forward to their comeback this year. Step forward No Doubt.
Gwen Stefani and her band of merry men have ritually destroyed the Adam and the Ants' tour de force 'Stand And Deliver', taking the pantomime brilliance of the track and giving it such a saccharine sheen that even Adam Ant at his most mental could tell you it is a steaming pile of shit.
Gone are the tribal beats, replaced by the drumming skills of a Disney Channel jingle while Stefani shrieks the chorus - completely misinterpreting the overplayed charm of the original. This really is the perfect example of how to get a cover version wrong, jesus they should put it in a textbook in the 'how not to do it' section.
Below is the No Doubt version and the original by Adam and the Ants. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
CLICK HERE to see the 13 worst cover songs of all time....
- Oh I expected so much of this - you're right, it's shite. In fact it's shiter than shite. Shame on you No Doubt.

- However, it was a joy to re-watch and hear the Adam and The Ants original again. Thank you Gigwise.

- Gwen, please say you are sorry to Adam before he throws an alternator at you!

- I think Johnny Depp has to apologize to Adam Ant too. Is that Captain Jack Sparrow or what?

- Thankfully I watched Adam Ant first. Perfection.
No Doubt version... will comment once my ears stop bleeding.

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