Cherrypicked by This Feeling + Scotts
17:00 9th August 2021
Gallagher-tested, Gallagher-approved, This Feeling have been a mainstay in promoting the latest indie bands from around the UK for years. They've tipped, among many others, Catfish and the Bottlemen and Blossoms, helping them reach as many people as possible with their career-firing tours.
In February, they lended us their expertise in the newest of the new in indie, publishing their annual 'Big In' list with us. Now, here, you'll find one of those bands spotlighted every week. Get to know them a bit better and have a listen to their latest tune. This week, it's The Skinner Brothers!

Describe yourselves in 5 words:

Here for the good times.


Who are your favourite The Feeling bands:

George Hennessey, The Chase, Fitzroy Holt, Cobain Jones, Spangled.


Favourite albums from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s and recent:

Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart
Kiss - Kiss
Motley Crue - Too fast for love
The Reality of My Surroundings -  Fishbone
Original Pirate Material - The Streets
The Number 23 - Casisdead


What inspired you to start a band:

I figured that if i was in a successful band i would never have to work again - it inspired me to start a band, and it inspires me everyday.


What’s your favourite part of performing live?

I really like seeing and feeling the energy in the room, love hearing everybody singing the words to the songs - and I love forgetting about all my worries whilst we perform live! 


Tell us about your latest releases:  What do you have coming up?

Our latest release is a single called “Low”. It’s a really stripped back rock n’ roll track produced in my house by me, i’d say it sounds like Gary Glitter mixed with Kasabian.

Photo: Press