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Autokratz: Quintessentially English

Autokratz: Quintessentially English


Autokratz are not about your Vorsprung durch Technik, you know. The name may sound German. But they’re not. Their recent addition to Kitsune Maison five, 'Pardon Garcon', may suggest a French leaning. But that’s just their record label. Autokratz are English, as English as any stereotype you wish to include. They are an English electronic band with passion and substance, “I would say our music does sound really English”. Russell Autokratz excitedly tells Gigwise. Russell is a highly enthusiastic and deliriously chuffed half of the very English Autokratz. He is genuinely happy to be where he is and isn’t afraid to say it.

Autokratz are riding the crest of a wave of very exciting English electronic music, “At the moment there is loads and loads of great electronic music coming from England.” He cites Alex Metric and Street life DJ’s amongst others of this new wave of quality homegrown electronica. These are exciting times indeed, not least for Russell. Although it must be added, this is not a xenophobic stance for English music, just merely an appreciation of where they are coming from and the music being produced. “Its not just something Europeans can do, English people can make electronic music that matters as well”.

The origins of Autokratz even hint at the Englishness at the heart of the band. “We met outside a club and I was sick onto David’s shoes after being a little bit intoxicated”, reveals Russell about his first meeting with his future band mate. While these may not be the beautiful nor romantic images of the beginning of an effervescent and productive partnership, friendship grew quickly over a shared love of music, “He was about to crack me and then realised I was wearing a Devo t-shirt and he thought that was quite cool”. A chat about music quickly led them to Russell’s own studio and productivity did not seem to be a problem, “In one day we came up with the first few Autokratz songs”. All this happened about 18 months ago, as Russell, a Mancunian based in London and David from London embarked on their electro coalition. 

Russell is steeped in music, right up to the neck. He used to promote warehouse parties around the country and he also helped run 1234 records in London. Now he is on the other side of the fence, very much rooted in Autokratz. Russell knowing all sides of the music business is outrageously happy to be part of a band, “It is really easy, its fantastic fun. Anyone that says otherwise is a complete liar”, and just to emphasise the point, he adds, “I’ve never had so much fun in my whole life. It fantastic, it’s great.” After calming him down we both decided it can’t all be fun and games though, he wants the right things for his band. Firstly the right home is required to ensure growth and artistic freedom.

“When we first set off to make this project, we always wanted it to be on Kitsune”. Luckily for him French label Kitsune liked the cut of their jib and so another beautiful friendship began in earnest, “The culture of it was really something that did interest us and that’s where we wanted our music to fit in”. Inclusion of the fabulous, Pardon Garcon, on the most recent Kitsune Maison compilation cemented the relationship. The song fits perfectly into the Maison series, as Russell describes, “ loads of different influences not just a sound that becomes too typical”. An 8 track E.P. is threatened for the summer and an album to follow late in the year.

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