by Andrew Trendell | Photos by Press

Tags: Jay-Z

Jay-Z's Magna Carta Holy Grail vs Kanye West's Yeezus - in GIFs

Which is better? There's only one way to find out - FIGHT


Jay-Z's Magna Carta Holy Grail vs Kanye West's Yeezus - in GIFs

Photo: Press

So, Jay-Z dropped his hotly-anticipated Magna Carta Holy Grail today, but how does it fare when put up against his good buddy Kanye West's Yeezus?

Weezy' effort is an arty and frightening onslaught of experimentalism and screaming, while The Hov's is a hit-packed and all rather pleasant collection of easy beats and pleasant summer time hits. Jay-Z invited Beyonce, Frank Ocean and Justin Timberlake on board, whereas it feels like Kanye formed a coalition with the devil. 

They both make for accomplished and well-crafted massive sellers from the today monolithic giants of modern hip-hop. But which is better?

Let's watch them battle it out. FIGHT WITH GIFS!


Magna Carta


Magna Carta


Magna Carta


Magna Carta


Magna Carta


Magna Carta


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