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Robin Thicke's No.1 single 'Blurred Lines' has already been banned from five UK universities in recent weeks, but if we had the power, what songs would we ban from Student Unions and campuses across the country?
Rewind a couple months ago and 'Blurred Lines' was on every radio station, music channel and smashing records on YouTube. Now though, it seems to be receiving nothing but controversy, claiming that it objectifies women and glamourises sexism (and even rape). Because of this, five universities in the UK have decided to ban it from their SU's, corridoors and radio stations.
So, we thought back to our student days and came up with a list of songs we wish had been banned at the start of term. While these songs may not quite be as controversial as 'Blurred Lines', they're certainly offensive to our ears.
Listen to our ultimate worst uni night ever playlist below.
1. The Baywatch theme tune
Not only does every DJ on earth think this is exactly what every Saturday night needs, (it doesn't), but you also end up picturing Hoff in tiny trunks. Also, lads - taking your shirt off to this makes you look like a burk. No thanks.
2. Fratellis, 'Chelsea Dagger'
DO-DO-DO-DO, woah, sorry...where were we? Why do we hate this? Oh, because it brings out people that shout things like, "WHEEEEEEYYYYY LADS LADS LADDSSSSSSS."
3. Reef, 'Place Your Hands'
Because everyone only ever knows one line and they all have their own different interpretation of what he's actually saying.
4. House of Pain, 'Jump Around'
Jumping around is fun for the first time, but after that it's pointless and everyone thinks you're Satan if you don't join in. Don't get us wrong - it's a hip-hop classic, but stop ramming it down our throats every time you see a dancefloor full of late teens drinking WKDs.
5. Duck Sauce, 'Barbara Streisand'
How this even became a successful song in the first place, we don't know. But somehow it became an anthem for student nights out. We'd rather eat a dodgy kebab then listen to it again.
6. The Killers, 'Mr Brightside'
This song, plus copious amounts of cheap alcohol, ends up in lots of over-emotional men shouting it terribly with their arms around each other. Who says bromance is dead?
7. Coolio, 'Gangsters Paradise'
A suburb of Oxford isn't quite what Coolio was getting at but I guess you think you're deep in the ghetto with your sick rap skills.
8. Kings of Leon , 'Sex On Fire'
Screaming this at a girl in your Student Union whilst pulling your best Rockstar impression isn't going to get you laid.
9. Chesney Hawkes, 'I Am The One And Only'
Eurgh. 90s music at it's absolute worst, so bad it's not even okay on a cheesy pop night. It's never, ever acceptable to play, ever.
10. Arctic Monkeys, 'I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor'
Everyone turns into air-guitar champion of the world when this comes on and ironically, they look absolutely shit on the dance floor.