• #followfriday Friends and supporters @gigwise @shepproudfoot @richhughesTLOBF @halina1979 @allypodcart @skidowksi @kerrangmagazine
    abof on Fri Jul 31 17:46:45 via web
  • @Gigwise incredible, I missed her earlier in the summer, have only heard good things about her performances though.
    PymbleWizard on Fri Jul 31 14:49:09 via TweetDeck
  • @gigwise http://bit.ly/3p8wln Ian Brown writing for Rihanna & Kanye?
    FictionRecords on Fri Jul 31 14:32:04 via HootSuite
  • RT @gigwise @tweetmeme Grace Jones Thrills New York Fans With Revealing Concert - PHOTOS - GIGWISE http://bit.ly/LzUS2
    krockafella on Fri Jul 31 14:31:26 via web
  • She puts Lady Gaga to shame! RT @Gigwise: Grace Jones Thrills NY With Revealing Concert - PHOTOS: See highlights now... http://bit.ly/2K7Mz1
    PymbleWizard on Fri Jul 31 14:19:44 via TweetDeck
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