Morrissey - the man who once said that the Norwegian massacre, which left 76 people dead, was "nothing compared to what happens in McDonad's every day" - wants to run for Mayor of London.
The former Smiths frontman has gained more headlines for his staunch vegetarianism and generally provocative views than his music in recent years. Back in 2011, he told BBC Radio 4, "Killing a stag is like killing a child. What's the difference?"
For some unknown reason., the Animal Welfare Party have decided these comments make Morrissey the perfect potential candidate for the forthcoming London Mayoral election - an invitation he is "seriously considering."
In a statement to his fansite True To You, Morrissey said, "There must be a governmental voice against the hellish and archaic social injustice allotted to animals in the United Kingdom."
He added, "If animal serial killer Jamie Oliver feels so passionate about including 'kid meat' (young goat) into the human diet, would he consider putting forth one of his own kids (children) for general consumption?"
Read Morrissey's full statement here.