With music for pilots and helicopters in the archives,
Jon Hopkins covers the music for astronauts, perhaps touching on the music of the spheres.
'Fairytale' makes space between the frontal lobes with a beats-free track, bridging the left-right brain hemispheres with ice-cool surrender. A highly visual and cinematic track that could have sat on the
'Bladerunner' OST, it's like an Andy Goldsworthy ice-sculpture - frozen in time for a moment, destined to melt, to change shape and form. 'Song One' hinges on down-tempo beats, tones and piano with music-box, a wistful and melancholy opening that gains stride and lift.
'The End' utilises low frequency tones with reflective-piano, like eddies in a pool - the piano notes shimmering on the surface with delicate sound-swathes, calming and consoling.
Issue Four of the Gigwise Print magazine is on pre-order now! Order here.