The most streamed artist in the world couldn't compete with this long since deceased legend
Cai Trefor

11:40 12th December 2016

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Despite beign the most streamed artist in the world with number one sales on iTunes but Drake hasn't cracked the physical market in quite same way. The most sold CD of 2016 goes to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Mozart 225: The New Complete Edition has shifted 1.25 million total CDs in the five weeks since its Oct. 28 release, according to Universal.

The trick here is that each sale of the title comrises 200 CDs and plays for a total of ten days. So it's only upwards 6,250 sold box sets sold. Given that they cost over £300 that's a strong number.

Universal call it the “most authoritative, complete and scholarly box set ever devoted to the work of a single composer.”

There are over 600 soloists and 60 orchestras involved in the recoding process.

Altohugh they reached over one million CD's sold, the figure shows how much the format has declined in relevance. Sales of CDs surpassed 1bn in 1992 and 2bn in 1996, and the profit margins were the stuff of dreams.

Now the profit margins are 0.0004 p per stream and artists income source has become increasingly relaint on touring festivals, selling merchandise, and solowly but sure Vinyl sales.

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Photo: Press