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Arctic Monkeys – ‘Leave Before The Lights Come On’ (Domino) Released 14/08/06

starstarno starno starno star
In what is to be the last release before the Arctic Monkeys disappear and write material for their second album, ‘Leave Before The Lights Come On’ is once again a witty social commentary about all the sleazy goings on in sweaty bars full of horny teens and indie disco scenesters. Or is it something more? Could it be a cleverly posed statement about their worry that ongoing success is based on constantly releasing stuff-“well this is a good idea/you wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t”, could it be their end note on a whirlwind tour of fame - “we woke up together not realizing how”. Leave before the lights come on or leave before we get really fucking bored of samey songs and over hyped single releases? Or maybe it's just them making sure that people are still listening to their hardly inspiring musical output that will be overlooked in a year or two. One can only guess.
  • it was only 6 months ago that you were talking the arctic monkeys up as the best band in the world and now suddenly there over hyped! load of b*llocks mate. Justrify your 4and a half starts for their debut album on the back of that review !

    ~ by joecoop4 | Send Message | Reply to this comment

  • Different writer to the album review, so different tastes Joe and different thoughts on the Arctic Monkeys.

    ~ by subversive | Send Message | Reply to this comment

  • This sounds just like most songs on their debut album. By the time their second album comes out i’m sure the nation will be sick of his whimsical takes on life, which all sound the same. God forbid he’s still at it long enough to release a third!

    ~ by Stuarty | Send Message | Reply to this comment

  • And so the backlash begins!!

    ~ by silent shout | Send Message | Reply to this comment

  • what a joke, i suppose you all listen to the kooks.

    ~ by oasis 2/27/2007

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