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The Zutons – ‘Oh Stacey [Look What You’ve Done!]’ (Deltasonic) Released 25/09/06

The Zutons – ‘Oh Stacey [Look What You’ve Done!]’ (Deltasonic) Released 25/09/06
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  • starstarstarno starno star
    More of the same from The Zutons. Well as the saying goes if something isn’t broke don’t fix it. The Zutons seem to be the quirky offbeat Scousers de jour. Cue wibbly wobbly flashback scenes for those old enough to remember Space. This will probably join the other releases ‘Tired of Hanging Around’ into the Top Ten. Dave McCabe lends his smoky timbre to a story about a drunken heiress and her demise while Harding provides simple but infectious saxophone while the rest of the bad sound suitably quirky and upbeat. It begs the question will the next single feature a girl called Mandy?

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