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Embrace To Split!

Band will call it a day after their next album...

Embrace To Split!
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  • Embrace have revealed that they plan to split up after their next album.

    And frontman Danny McNamara is hoping that the band’s final album will be the ‘masterpiece’ they’ve always wanted to create.

    McNamara was speaking ahead of the opening night of Embrace’s tour in Hull last night (September 21).

    He told BBC6music: "I think our next album will be our last ever album. If we get as far as making it and finishing it, I want it to be a masterpiece and I want to take as long as it takes."

    The frontman continued: "We've worked solidly since I was 17 - that's half my life - and I've done nothing except look at the bigger picture.

    “I haven't stopped to smell the flowers along the way at all. I spend all my time cooking and not eating and I just want to spend a bit of time doing that."

    He also shrugged off suggestions that the split is anything to do with inter-band tensions, adding: "I wouldn't want to make music without the band.

    “They are my best friends. They are the reason I have stayed in the business for so long. They are just beautiful people."

    • Good riddance

      ~ by silent shout | Send Message | Reply to this comment

    • Hurrrrahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ~ by the yak | Send Message | Reply to this comment

    • What the fuck is he on about?? ’I spend all my time cooking and not eating’ With that gut mate, I don’t think so.. Best news I’ve heard in ages

      ~ by Rachel | Send Message | Reply to this comment

    • It’s not over, it’s been at least five minutes since Chris Martin last wrote them a song

      ~ by AlexPanic | Send Message | Reply to this comment

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