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The Automatic - 'Raoul' (B-Unique) Released 08/01/07

starstarno starno starno star
If you need an example of quite how big ‘Monster’ has become then here it is - apparently when paedophile scum are brought into a certain Scottish prison the other inmates unite in the “What’s that coming over the hill” chorus. The band must be so proud. The Automatic have smashed the mainstream this year with a spinning heel kick to the jaw. If industry rumours are to be believed however The Automatic have been squeezed twisted and mashed from a pretty exciting hardcore act into the ‘edgy’ boy band that appears before us today. By re-releasing ANOTHER song from ‘Not Accepted Anywhere’ and ignoring the Radio 1 unfriendly songs on the LP we can’t help but believe the rumour mill. Shiny, glossy and more than a little heartless ‘Raoul’ has lost all the naïve charm it had first time around in a whirlwind of GMTV set trashing and unfortunate terrace anthems that surround the band. The Automatic find themselves in a difficult position now. Continue with the pop/ rock thing and sell millions or follow their musical influences in a heavier direction risking alienation? It’s a tough one but Gigwise hopes they choose the latter.

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