Track Reviews »
Switches - ‘Drama Queen’ (Atlantic) Released 29/01/07

Here’s the thing about ‘Drama Queen’ - it’s brilliant but it reminds us of Boy Kill Boy. Switches seem so perfect that we can’t help but feel that somewhere an MD is rubbing his gold ring laden hands together with glee smoking another of Cuba’s finest cigars. The reason it reminds us of Boy Kill Boy is that they emerged in a flurry of hype and pop-tastic singles (much like Switches) then let themselves down with a stinker of an album. We so want all of Switches songs to be as good as this but can’t help but feel this could all go a bit tits up. ‘Drama Queen’ itself is three minutes of Vines meets Dandy Warhols pop perfection, just try and dislodge it from your head. It won’t happen. Hook after hook is piled into the listeners ears with lead singer Matt Bishop doing a Courtney Taylor impression which is our gain but ‘Stars In Their Eyes’ loss. Despite being more desperate to be American than Tony Blair wearing a Stetson, Switches have crafted one of the best singles of the year so far. They could be massive they could be another also-ran, 2007 is a tight rope for Switches, let’s hope they don’t fall into the net.
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