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Eddie Van Halen Goes Into Rehab

Is the end of the reunion?...

Eddie Van Halen Goes Into Rehab

Eddie Van Halen has seemingly delayed any prospect of a Van Halen reunion tour after admitting himself to rehab.

In a statement Van Halen said of the proposed tour: "At the moment I do not feel that I can give you my best."

He added: "Some of the issues surrounding the 2007 Van Halen tour are within my ability to change and some are not."

The rocker has battled alcoholism in the past and says he has sought help to “change and change for the better".

The band are due to be inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in New York on Monday, it is not known yet if Van Halen will attend the ceremony.

  • oh well-van halen’s career went in the toilet years ago,to me their just like the artists that made it big in the 1980’s-they record some good music,then pack arenas,then they’re addictions rule their lives and they try to come back and look dumb.i saw slayer in concert a while back and they still havent lost their touch-they would blow away van halen away any van halen just go retire and leave the rocking to someone else because your washed up.

    ~ by tony lovato 3/10/2007

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  • lol, Slayer.... no talent. If anyone is washed up, it’s you... and Slayer.

    ~ by Fred 3/11/2007

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  • Van Halen will never be washed up. They will always be an amazing band. Whoever the fuck you are you need to grow up and stop listening to your mainstream shit. Van Halen is amazing. Slayer not so much. Fuck you.

    ~ by Elly 3/11/2007

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  • With some of the SHIT they’re calling music,I’d pay to see Van Halen anytime!Take care,Eddie!

    ~ by IceBear 3/11/2007

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  • eddie rules always..good luck..

    ~ by wolf 3/12/2007

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