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The Third Way: Maps

The Third Way: Maps
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  • What with global warming promptly working its way around the world, non-stop bombs blasting all over the Middle East and our very own government currently attempting to get itself out of some sticky cash donations dealio, sometimes the best way to escape the pitfalls of the planet is through the oh so great art of Music. Maps, otherwise known as James Chapman, is the perfect remedy, equipped with the power to inspire and lift people when they’re down and out. Tony Blair needs to listen to Maps right now. Britney does too. Hell, even Johnny Borrell needs to. Actually Borrell probably needs too more than most. But the reality is that at some point, everybody, one and all, needs Maps.

    Sitting across from Gigwise in a booth on one of the London Scala’s many floors, James is a couple of hours away from embarking on his first gig since what can only be described as a near death experience earlier this month. Travelling back on the motorway from a show in Nottingham, a lorry dashing at 80mph crashed into Maps’ van, leaving James and his band destined for A & E. Tour dates were cancelled but "We’re back and ready to play", an upbeat James declares.

    After such an incident, his very own inspiring lines which carry through minutes of built-up pretty melodies creating an uplifting and anthemic result - in the most non-Embrace way possible - would have been the ideal refresher. "It is great to inspire people. I do spend a lot of time on the music and the lyrics kind of come later. When I just have one line it’s because I don’t have anything else to say. It’s more intense that way, when you really want something to come across."

    Back in 2003 he wrote under the name ‘Shortbread Copywriter’, but a name change wasn’t just down to the first one being so damn dire. "I actually had an EP out with that name," explains James. "But when I started making different music I felt like I wanted to have a different name, with that theme of moving away and escapism. Plus Maps is short so people remember it!’" The not-so common blend of, Iceland, and his hometown, Northampton, were the basis for the making of Maps’ forthcoming debut album ‘We Can Create’. James reveals, "It was fun to make and I learnt a lot because it took quite a long time. But I’m pretty pleased with it now." Along with the helping hand of Bjork producer, Valgeir Sigurdsson, not a single computer was used in the process, but James’ very own and treasured 16-track recorder.

    But with these one lines, "Don’t fear the sun, feel like some one, some how, some how" rides through last single ‘Don’t Fear’ with so much boost to distribute you’ll feel like Popeye gobbling down his spinach. "That line is kind of personal but it kind of became a bit more universal I guess, but when I wrote it I wasn’t sure people would pick up on it. I was really surprised when people did and that meant a lot to me." ‘Some Winter Song’ features the words "I’ve been so happy lately but it’s got nothing to do with you", above an array of sweet synths and strings, but James is unwilling to reveal whom he’s talking to exactly. "It was written when I was really down and I didn’t really know what I was doing. At the time I always knew I wanted to do music but I never thought I could do it like I am now."

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    • it’ s gr8t..brilliant review

      ~ by 3/20/2007

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