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Pete Doherty Praised By Judge At Drugs Hearing

Despite turning up late...

Pete Doherty looks to be back on the straight and narrow after a judge praised him during his latest court hearing.

Doherty was at Thames Magistrate Court today to attend a review of his drug treatment order which he was given in April 2006.

Although he turned up half an hour late the Judge told him: "The fact you've turned up shows co-operation - more than co-operation - and there is no risk of you breaching this order."

The Babyshambles front man told the Court: "I’m quite keen to show a negative test as soon as possible.”

  • Quite. QUITE KEEN! any other smack head said that and they’d be hung by kilroy himself

    ~ by Stick Gandhi | Send Message | 4/18/2007

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  • one rule for one...

    ~ by stamanfar | Send Message | 4/18/2007

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  • ... and another for kilroy

    ~ by Medalion man | Send Message | 4/18/2007

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  • Moving in the right direction, more than you can say for most ’smackheads’

    ~ by Anon 4/19/2007

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  • i so happy pete’s getting off the drugs, his music is all that matter’s and now we’re going to see his genius song writing and his excellent poetry, most people thats stick tags on him and call him junkie and smackhead have never heard his great music your just been reading the papers,

    ~ by harry 4/19/2007

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