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Wilco Defend Selling Music For Car Commercial

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Wilco Defend Selling Music For Car Commercial
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  • Wilco have defended their decision to allow car makers Volkswagen to use their music in commercials.

    The band have come under fire from some fans saying the alt-rock legends have sold out by donating their music to the car giant. But the band have reacted saying it helps their music reach a wider audience.

    They said in an official statement “we see this as another way to get the music out there.”

    It continued: “And we feel okay about VWs. Several of us even drive them." The full statement (if you can be bothered) reads:

    As many of you are aware, Volkswagen has recently begun running a series of TV commercials featuring Wilco music.

    Why? This is a subject we've discussed internally many times over the years regarding movies, TV shows and even the odd advertisement. With the commercial radio airplay route getting more difficult for many bands (including Wilco); we see this as another way to get the music out there. As with most of the above (with the debatable exception of radio) the band gets paid for this. And we feel okay about VWs. Several of us even drive them.

    If you're keeping track, this is not the first time Wilco has licensed a song to or even been involved in a commercial -- most recently a TV spot for Telefonica Mobile in Spain used a Wilco song and some years prior Jeff Tweedy appeared in a campaign for Apple Computer. Wilco have licensed hundreds of songs to television shows and films worldwide... from festival-only indie films to major motion pictures and weekly TV shows.

    Thus far the songs in the VW campaign are "The Thanks I Get" (a bonus track from Sky Blue Sky sessions, available for download via the Enhanced CD and via iTunes) and "You are my Face". We expect to have more details re: other songs shortly. The current plan (subject to change, like everything) is for 5 or 6 songs to be used.

    That's it. Don't believe everything you read unless you read it here.

    • Personally, I feel its ridiculous that anyone would try to accuse Wilco, of all bands, of selling out. The band do enough for the fans. No true Wilco fan would ever dare make such an accusation. I’ve been a Wilco fan since AGIB and I’d love to see the band get more credit for what they do.

      ~ by James 6/5/2007

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    • I’m sick of these idiots who whine about groups ”selling-out” for trying to make some money off of their music. Are you selling out by accepting money for your work? Why don’t you work for free? Better yet, would any of us write music and refuse making money off of it? Would we work sh!tty jobs instead and just play for the love of the music only? Hypocrites. Why should Wilco care about some miserable rat sitting on a bar stoll who’d do the exact thing they’re

      ~ by Chris 8/5/2007

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