Temples are sounding huge
Cai Trefor
10:15 5th June 2019

Temples are back with music from their third ever studio album, titled Hot Motion.

The Kettering-born neo-psych stalwarts - a band best known for their modern classic ‘Shelter Song’ - have released a banger, which emits more grit than ever before. Though retaining significant alt-rock credence, the bombastic vocal hooks make this album title track one that bridges the gap between outsider psych and stadium indie.

Singer James Bradshaw is on rousing form; as are the band: pummeling tom-heavy drum beats, fuzz-laden guitars, vocal harmonies, sparkling reverb-tinged lead parts - parts which offer an effervescent psychedelic-tinge - fall like a meteor shower around their lead singer.

The song takes on a typical guitar pop structure, with a shimmering breakdown - replete with lush, eerie yet enchanting harmonies - before a big chorus. 

According to the press release, Temples refined this song and the ten accompanying tracks that make up the album Hot Motion in an outbuilding in James Bradshaw's house in Rutland, Lincolnshire, where they could build a dedicated rehearsal space. Something of a first for a band who are used to cramp spaces in London; the city they made a name for themselves in playing alongside other neo-psych scene legends, such as The Voyeurs and TOY.

Hot Motion track list

1. Hot Motion
2. You’re Either On Something
3. Holy Horses
4. The Howl
5. Context
6. The Beam
7. Not Quite The Same
8. Atomise
9. It’s All Coming Out
10. Step Down
11. Monuments

Temples are on UK tour at the end of this year:


02 - Brighton, Komedia
04 - Newcastle, Riverside
06 - Nottingham, Rescue Rooms
07 - Southampton, Engine Rooms
08 - London, Shepherd's Bush Empire


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Photo: Press