Last minute Christmas present?
Jessie Atkinson
11:29 14th December 2019

Cool new project Gastrophonic have announced a residency at London's Protein Studios this coming February. The House will present their new sensory immersive dining experience Terra Mundo, which will complement three courses with visuals and music corresponding to each flavour.

Having made waves at The National Gallery and Oxford music festival Wilderness, Terra Mundo is the new iteration of an idea growing in popularity. This time round, three themes (Forest, Fire and Ocean) are being drawn on to create particular environments of flavours, wines, visuals and soundtracks. 

If it sounds mind-boggling that's because it is...check out the mockup of what this one's going to look like:

The menu is plant-based (but you can do "with meat" if you' really have to) and will be served alongside drinks provided by Masters of Wine, craft beer experts and tip-top mixologists. That complementary soundtrack, meanwhile, is specially designed by music maestros to go along with the gastronomic ride (hence gastrophonic, gettit?)

A House of Gastrophonic spokesperson promises "an amazing soundtrack full of riffs and rhythms designed to enhance specific flavours and textures."

Could make a neat Christmas present for the in-laws? 

Terra Mundo will take place over two sittings per day (6.30pm and 8.30pm) on 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of February 2020 at Protein Studios in Shoreditch, London. Tickets are £95 and you can get them here.