More about: Raissa Pardini
20% of funds will go to charity
Standout artist photographer Pooneh Ghana and underground music's favourite graphic designer Raissa Pardini have teamed up to create a beautiful 2021 calendar. 20% of profits from the effort will go to charity.
With polaroids of Angel Olsen, Fontaines D.C.'s Grian Chatten, Courtney Barnett and Yannis Philippakis of Foals among eight more starring alongside Raissa's striking vintage style, this is a truly collectible effort.
There's a limited run of 250 calendars, with 10% of funds going to Red River Cultural District Banding Together Fund (aimed at supporting Austin, Texas' live music scene through the pandemic) and Music Minds Matter.
Spy a couple of the months in the calendar below and purchase it here.
More about: Raissa Pardini
Photo: Press