Jessie Atkinson
12:59 10th March 2021

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Pop metal princess Cassyette has shared a brand new single: the trap-infused metal sugar rush of 'Dear Goth'. Dropping with a video of the woman herself getting tatted, it's a neat return for a budding star in the rock scene.

Heavy guitars, double-time hi-hats and a good split between melodic singing and screamo vocals, it's another example of the metal-pop crossover that has made its case over the last few years.

One for metalhead TikTok:

"It's about feeling sick of society's standards, brainwashing systems and feeling like you don't belong" Cassyette said of the track, "So many people live their lives feeling suppressed because the people around them and the world reject them, so they are scared to be their true selves."


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Photo: Press