Bends-era Radiohead meets Passion Pit
Lucy Sheehan
10:17 22nd March 2021

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Australia’s Fletcher Gull is back with a new single and video ‘Transgressive Soliloquy’. The track encapsulates his eccentric melodic indie, with charming twists and personal flare.

The track’s darkness, offset by twinkling sonic quirks, recalls Bends era Radiohead, while Fletcher’s soulful, earnest voice will entice fans of Modest Mouse and Passion Pit. Lyrically ‘Transgressive Soliloquy’ meticulously explores 21st Century living and its relentless expectations on new generations:

Fletcher says "In the modern world we live closer to each other than ever, but our worlds have never been further apart. The news outlets in our feed and the friends on our Facebook define the reality in which we live. We surround ourselves with people and stories that reinforce our narrow worldview, insulated in the cosy walls of our tribe. To go out on our own and endeavour to map our own path to the truth has become a tightrope walk over a pit of knives."

The video’s visual onslaught, with Fletcher shoved around, pelted with paint and drawn on, echoes that sense of isolation under persistent external pressure.

‘Transgressive Soliloquy’ reveals an artist with genuine intellectual curiosity. Fletcher's day job as a physicist and his obsession with classic literature, as well as his experiences of ill health, combine to create music that feels both honest and vital.

An EP, inspired by those turbulent times, is out later this year.

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Photo: Shaun Hardy