Ahead of their Reading & Leeds set later this summer
Vicky Greer
14:56 27th May 2021

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The Wombats are back after a three-year break following 2018’s Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life. It is accompanied by a music video directed by Aaron Brown and opens up a new chapter for the band.

‘Method To The Madness’ starts off as a slow, introspective piano track, eventually building up to a cathartic crescendo with repetitions of “Fuck my sadness”. By the end, the song has become a whole different beast which is ready to be played at festivals this year. Lead singer Murph said this:

“‘Method To The Madness’ is about trying to find patterns within chaos and ultimately giving up, and letting go. Some of the lyrics are lifted from my own honeymoon experience - walking around European cities, being amongst tourists whilst simultaneously being one myself, and generally blagging it with last minute hotel bookings. Feeling excitement but still being fully aware that nothing much has changed”.

This is the first song to appear from The Wombats after a year of recording remotely, and we can expect to hear more from them later in the year.

‘Method To The Madness’ is out now on AWAL.

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Photo: Phil Smithies / Sarah Louise Bennett / Pete Novosel / Signe Luksengard