Lo-fi grunge? Yes please
Joe Smith
13:11 3rd June 2021

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After receiving extremely high praise for her debut EP, Are You In My Head, Viji returns with the ecstatic new single ‘Suck It’, a taster of what’s next to come: the Suck It EP.

‘Suck It’ mixes alt-rock and lo-fi to create a song reminiscent of the early noughties, with some fantastic riffage and extremely catchy chorus, it really does take you back.

As for the rest of the EP, all we know is that it details her life as a teen in the US, resulting in what we can expect to be an amalgamation of grunge and bedroom punk, we can’t wait to hear more.

On the single Viji has said:

“Suck It' was super fun to write. It’s such a short and compact song, I think I finished it the same day I started. I was revisiting an old relationship from years ago. What seemed world ending then is now passé, so the vibe is very playful and nostalgic. Fave quote ‘you like hurting me, I like sleeping with your friends suuuuck iiiit!”

Suck It Tracklist:

1.    Suck It
2.    Blind
3.    Angel
4.    Get Rid
5.    BFS

Suck It arrives on 9 July via Dirty Hit Records. 

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Photo: Chazz Adnitt