Her fans have shared their own stories of kindness to go with the track
Vicky Greer
11:28 30th July 2021

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MØ has shared another high-energy, attention-grabbing single with today’s ‘Kindness’, out now on RCA. It’s another taste of her upcoming project, with details of her third album to be announced soon enough.

It opens with a discordant yet addictive intro before getting straight into massive dance-pop choruses and hooks that will be stuck in your head all day. She has spoken about how this is a song for the fans, a thank you for their support over the years. And her fans were heavily involved in the single, deciding on the artwork and talking about their own stories of kindness which MØ has been sharing on social media.

She explained the meaning behind ‘Kindness’:

“Kindness is a love letter to my fans. I wrote it at a time when I was feeling, like a lot of people, disconnected from the physical world. Despite being isolated, there was this beautiful connection and support from my fans and from our little online community, which I was so thankful for. I wrote the first demo in Copenhagen on a beat by my friend Yangze. Ariel Rechstshaid then joined the process and - working online and across timezones - we made this song take shape.”

‘Kindness’ is out now on RCA.

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Photo: Fryd Frydendahl