Out now on SAM Records!
Jessie Atkinson
16:19 24th August 2021

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Bristol quintet Stay Lunar get their next release on SAM Records today with the feather-light 'Hello Friend', a scintillating single that swiftly follows 'Immediately' and reaffirms the band as one to watch for fans of indie and dream pop.

A confetti canon of sound, 'Hello Friend' is a must-listen today:

Hello Friend is a song that dives into the struggles of anxiety and  depression, but with a colourful and optimistic spin. The lyrics attempt to personify these  struggles, by imagining they are an old friend that is looking out for me.The idea that  anxiety is more of a friend than an enemy, helped me better understand myself, and how  we all need others to get by - especially during a pandemic" the band's Harry Leigh explained.

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Photo: Press