Jessie Atkinson
13:06 27th August 2021

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The Royston Club, a Welsh indie quartet we said were "most likely to do a Catfish and the Bottlemen" are continuing to prove us right today with their brand new cut 'The Backburner'. 

The new tune is a gentle one, but still peppy enough to get those mosh pits going, and with some call-and-response lyrics mixed in to boot. It sounds great, but there's no doubt that songs like this are made for listening to live:

“I wrote it at the start of lockdown about a girl I was speaking to at the time. It was written on my telecaster and I spent about a week tinkering with the structure. I didn’t have some of the parts in the song finished like the lead guitar until the day of recording" songwriter and guitarist Ben said.

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Photo: Press