Doing god work
Lucy Harbron
12:45 24th May 2022

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Despite already doing god’s work, The Music Venue Trust have announced a ‘National Trust of Music Venues’ with the aim to buy venues that are under serious threat of closure.

As explained by the CEO, Mark Davyd said: “Our aim is to create a ‘National Trust of Music Venues’; a genuinely sustainable and resilient network of spaces where great live music will be a permanent fixture of the landscape or our towns and cities. Our communities, the audiences, fans and artists who love these spaces, are the best people to own that ‘National Trust’.”

In the last 20 years, over 35% of all grassroots music venues have shut, so this announcement couldn’t come soon enough to help save a struggling industry after the last couple of years. Launching a solution that supports venues over landlords, the Music Venue Trust works directly with the people who make magic happen, not the building owners. 

Launching a Charitable Community Benefit Society to allow music fans and ethical investors to get involved by purchasing shares. The support will all be funnelled towards a big mission as the trust has it’s sight set on buying nine venues across the country:

The Ferret, Preston
The Snug, Atherton
Le Pub, Newport
The Glad Café, Glasgow
The Hairy Dog, Derby
Sunbird, Darwen
The Polar Bear, Hull
The Palladium, Bideford
Bunkhouse, Swansea

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Photo: Press